About Me

I am a Computer Science Major, and I hope to do work in AI and eventually be able to teach Computer Science.
Some things I enjoy are cooking, sleeping, spending time with friends and making connections with people. Learning about people and new things is always interesting to me, and I'm excited to meet new people and learn new things here on campus.
I am currently unemployed, as I am looking to better focus on school and make sure my grades are in a position to help get an internship within a year.
I enjoy the comparitively lower cost of BYU-I, as compared to my home. I'm from the Philadelphia area, and colleges out there can get very expensive, very quickly. I am currently working on a B.S in Computer Science.
One aspect I hope to glean from this course is being better at planning out/visualizing the end result of my code/ideas, which I believe this course would be good to help achieve that end.
I was born in the church, and have been a member my entire life. It took me until my mission to Frankfurt, Germany before I came to understand what the Gospel meant in a practical application. My favorite quote I've read in regards to the Gospel is this: "Pray like God is the only one that can do anything about it, then work like you are the only one that can do anything about it."